Sunday, May 17, 2009


The concert was so cool! It was very interesting on several levels. The audience was mostly the expatriate upper class, so lots of fancy suits and dresses. Unfortunately that means the crowd wasn't as rockin' as the band. I kept thinking of the quote "The people in the cheaper seats clap your hands. And the rest of you, just rattle your jewelry.."

I sat at the far back at first so I could have free reign over taking photos without flashing people in the face with my camera's display. After an intermission we were invited to fill in the vacant seats up front so I got a few closer shots in.

Link to Flickr: The Three Jacks.
{The full band with dancers}

Link to Flickr: The Three Jacks.
{Shasha Zhang on fiddle and Debbie Duke on bass}

After the concert I got a cab ride home. The cabbie was an older gentleman, and very chatty. We talked about everything from how pretty China is to all the dancing styles in Peru. I ended the night with a Francesa pizza at the Villa Rica, which has ham, mushrooms, tomato, and sliced boiled egg. It was delicious, as usual.

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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Anyway You Want It

"Here’s a YouTube tale with a happy ending: Filipino singer Arnel Pineda (pronounced “pin-eh-da”) posted footage of himself performing Journey covers with his band the Zoo and was discovered half a world away by Journey guitarist Neal Schon, who was trolling the site for new blood. Schon got in touch with Pineda (and convinced the vocalist he wasn’t pulling a prank on him) and voila: Pineda has been named the band’s latest frontman, replacing Steve Augeri, who left last year."

If Hole needs a new singer, look me up! Post topic jacked from btw. =)

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