Looking at my Google Analytics report, yesterday 8 people saw the Stuck in an Elevator index page. Of those, 4 went on to the first two pages. One dropped out and the remaining 3 finished the whole thing. That’s actually better than I expected. Thanks! PS: Yes I see all!
Tag: webcomics
Livin’ It Up
Here is a link to the 24 Hour Comic I made two weekends ago. I hope you like it!
I got a package in the mail today: Ka-Blam.com did a great job printing issue 3. I’m going to have them print issues 1 and 2 and sell all of them via print-on-demand on their sister site Indyplanet.com.
Come On, Come Out
Just for you here are two, possibly three, new pages of Keeley: Comic Hero Extraordinaire! I had page 14 up a few months ago but didn’t publicize it because it’s only a one page transitory scene. The following two pages up the challenge to my drawing skills a bit with… Read more“Come On, Come Out”
Pages 12 and 13 of Keeley:Comic Hero Extraordinaire #3 is up on the interwebs! The plot thickens, and Keeley follows up on something she heard many pages ago!
Some Progress in My Big Project
Not that one, silly, I mean Keeley: Comic Hero Extraordinaire issue 3! The next four pages, 8-11, have been posted. Two more to follow shortly. Thanks for all of the feedback and encouragement I’ve been getting. Enjoy!
There Will Be a Test Afterward
I have finished making annotations for Selective Pressure. You can either start on page (and hour) one from the thumbnails page, or “turn on” annotations from each individual comic page.
Wanna See Something Cool?
I’ve always wanted to add annotations to my comics online. I’m generally a big fan of behind-the-scenes stuff. We’re all familiar with the DVD commentary, which is sometimes really good (for example, Guillermo del Toro movies) or crushingly bad (like Empire Strikes Back). Valve, makers of Half-Life, has been putting… Read more“Wanna See Something Cool?”
My 24 Hour Comic, Selective Pressure! {Click to get started!}
ComicSpace is Awesome
Since I have two complete issues of Keeley: CHE done I have been spending a lot of time working on publicity so people will actually read the darn thing. Recently, a cool site called ComicSpace popped up which is kind of a Myspace for people who read or make comics…. Read more“ComicSpace is Awesome”