My friend Melissa has started a small side enterprise crafting miniature foods. She just started recently but you wouldn’t know it looking at her work. I had to get a typical Peruvian food immortominiaturized and I chose maÃz morado, the purple corn that is used to make the lunchtime drink chicha morada. This is what Melissa made:

The board is just an inch across!
Her shop, Mousemarket (I know, isn’t that a cute name?!) is on Etsy.
Chicha morada itself is also awesome. I just made a pitcher-full from an instant mix I brought back from Perú. Mmm!
I’ve also signed up for yoga classes at the new Element Yoga and Health Studio. It’s like karate class, but I don’t have to remember a thing! The instructors here are also very friendly and positive. I’ve had a lot of fun spending quiet stretching time with them. And they are far less creepy than the Wii Fit instructors.