A new modern primate and some polish all around. See it now or read on for the changes.
- The Kayan River slow loris adorbs its way into the Scale Model Hall and into your heart. I went with this species because I’m friends with one of its discoverers, Rachel Munds. Unlike the mandrills, I had a wealth of realistic poses to choose from. I settled on an upside-down hanging pose because just look at it. This model has a few improvements. I used a new version of my basic quadruped mesh that now has marked seams for UV unwrapping. This leaves the UV positions left less to chance and can now follow the contours of the shape more precisely. It works! The UV map is more organized and the consolidation of UV islands means that it’s a little easier on rendering.
- I have a modern computer so I can finally do something I’ve put off: rebake the textures of the museum walls, floor, and ceiling. Since the gorillas and mouse lemur refresh, the lights and shadows of the building have not kept up with the models. With my old iMac a bake of the building texture took two overnight sessions so I put if off for months. With my new PC it now takes… 8 minutes! I also found a way to denoise the texture (video) after baking using the Composition mode in Blender. I used to manually blur the texture in Affinity Photo. The new result looks much better and now there are cool spotlights and shadows to make the recent additions fit the environment better. Check out the angel wings on the trophy!