Putting Together eFossils’ Life-Size Skeleton Printouts

While the classroom has an extensive collection of replica fossils, there was nothing that conveyed a sense of the full stature of our ancestors. I found some cool life-sized printouts at the eFossils site for Lucy, Nariokotome Boy, modern human skeletons. While the layouts are fantastic, the graphics have been… Read more“Putting Together eFossils’ Life-Size Skeleton Printouts”

Pretend-Excavating Australopithecus afarensis, Part 2

A little while ago, I received a present that I secretly wanted: an excavation and model kit of Australopithecus afarensis. After a short break to rest the fingers, the next field season continued the amazing discoveries of the first. One surprise from last time was the existence of a hair in… Read more“Pretend-Excavating Australopithecus afarensis, Part 2”

Pretend-Excavating Australopithecus afarensis, Part 1

As December rolled around, I found myself on Amazon browsing for good gifts. I settled on a large Tyrannosaurus rex skeleton for my brother (which looks amazing) and was ready to shut the browser window, when Amazon dangled another model in front of my eyes: an Australopithecus afarensis (e.g. Lucy)… Read more“Pretend-Excavating Australopithecus afarensis, Part 1”

Skeletal Voltron: An Activity to Teach Introductory Human Osteology

Possibly, Skeletal Voltron was the highlight of my summer class. I had thought of it back when I first heard that I could be teaching physical anthropology back in January, though it did not come to pass until the summer session. Dreaming up a new class activity. Codename: Skeletal Voltron —… Read more“Skeletal Voltron: An Activity to Teach Introductory Human Osteology”