I spent way too much time drawing this Graffiti for Andrew on Facebook so I’m taking it on tour: The Graffiti tools are quite primitive: no eraser or layers. Kind of like real painting now that I think about it. At least there are multiple undos. Anyway the coolest part… Read more“This My Virtual Refrigerator”
Tag: Keeley
I got a package in the mail today: Ka-Blam.com did a great job printing issue 3. I’m going to have them print issues 1 and 2 and sell all of them via print-on-demand on their sister site Indyplanet.com.
At Long Last
Issue 3 is done! Now it’s all the formatting wackiness to get it in a printable state, but it’s here in it’s color entirety on the web. Hop to it!
Is it Too Soon for a Cover that Obscures the Title?
Still missing a page. ETA: 1 week. Yay!
Feeling Generous
Page 19 is done. One more page! The bad news is that I haven’t started it at all. ETA: still two weeks, lol. Here is a mini version of page 19. I’ll put up the real deal when 20 is done.
Pages 17 and 18 are up. I’m particularly proud of 17. Only two pages to go, can you believe it!? ETA: two weeks. {Click to warp to actual page.}
It’s hard to imagine that in less than twenty four hours I’ll once again be jetting off to San Diego to visit the family. Here are updates on recent goings on before the San Diego/Comic-Con stuff fills the blog. Over the weekend I did Rock Band’s endless setlist on hard…. Read more“Miscellany”
Come On, Come Out
Just for you here are two, possibly three, new pages of Keeley: Comic Hero Extraordinaire! I had page 14 up a few months ago but didn’t publicize it because it’s only a one page transitory scene. The following two pages up the challenge to my drawing skills a bit with… Read more“Come On, Come Out”
Pages 12 and 13 of Keeley:Comic Hero Extraordinaire #3 is up on the interwebs! The plot thickens, and Keeley follows up on something she heard many pages ago!
This Year is Warmer Than the Last (A True C!G!A! Update)
Today was unseasonably warm when I stepped outside to attend to the chickens. The cats all ran out and had a good time. I did not really partake in the outdoor activities though and went back to my basement den. In said hideaway I’ve been getting more things done. I’ve… Read more“This Year is Warmer Than the Last (A True C!G!A! Update)”